What is Powerfully Single LIVE?
My signature 5-module program to embody your most connected and powerful single self. Except this time, I am adding a LIVE component to it so you have the best of both worlds. Do the modules on your own time while having a group container to hold you accountable in integrating!
You'll get instant access to the 5 module course PLUS
-6 weekly LIVE calls with me helping you process stored pain in your body, teaching you how to reparent your inner child and feel safe to connect home to you.
*Calls will be Sundays at 11am pst starting 2/2/25 with the last one being 3/9/24*
-In between Q&A support as you work through the modules
-Rachel Riffs where I give you brand new content throughout the week all about how to make the most of the single life on our Telegram broadcast channel
-Community group chat to support other single badasses
It's time to make this the best Valentine's Day/ season yet so when you attract that dreamy partner, it is coming from a place of pure alignment and desire rather than your inner child trying to feel worthy and safe.
I get it... I used to pride myself on being an independent woman who loved my alone time.

Yet when I reflect back at that time, it was spent binging netflix, ordering way too much Doordash, scrolling endlessly on dating apps and having meaningless sex just to feel connected and safe.
What I didnt know at the time was this was my inner child running the show.
Fast forward through three years of intensive nervous system healing and building secure attachment, I am more connected to myself than ever before.
I no longer numb out.
Instead of binging Netflix every night, I now spend my nights feeling safe to create my life, connect home to me and be intentional about who I give my time and energy to. This might look like creating a new offer for my business, creating content, reading a good memoir, or dancing the night away at a Sabrina Carpenter concert.
It's feeling safe to spend alone time when I want alone time while spending time in connection with others when that's the mood.
This is the epitome of freedom.
I spend intentional time with myself taking myself out on farmer's market dates, solo broadway show nights out, nights eating my favorite Sweetgreen salad by the ocean and also intentional time with aligned friends who also have big visions for their lives and who just GET ME.
I also love having me time where I spend my nights journaling, chanting, meditating, going on creating my vision, reading, taking two hour bubble baths, lying on my PEMF mat, manifesting, pulling cards connecting to the support of the universe, and taking time to come home to myself.
And listen, I get you might be reading this and be thinking "Eh chanting? I'm good without that, Rachel" but let me tell you...
You don't realize how good that feels until you know how good it feels.
Don't knock it till you try it.
And it took me 3 years to truly embrace these new habits as my resistance to them was strong af at the beginning of my healing journey.
Until you know how to be powerfully alone and feel deeply connected to yourself, you don't realize how incredible it feels (way better than all the things you used to consider fun like engaging in all of the partying, tv binging, etc)
I learned to set boundaries with people who no longer feel aligned and really get clear on with whom I want to spend my precious time and energy.
Once you start valuing your time and energy and access to YOU as a gift, you stop leaking it everywhere.
Rather than relating to dating through my inner child trying to get her needs met, I feel internally safe enough to just stay in the present and see where things go without attaching on.
It's been so much fun getting out in the dating world again (and not feeling my former anxious attachment wound go haywire) while still taking so much time to connect back home to ME.
I want EVERYONE to feel this secure, confident, grounded, joyful and FREE.
It can feel 10x lonelier being in an unaligned relationship than actually connecting home to you during time alone.
This course is for you if you're sick and tired of the way you've been feeling in your dating life and in your own relationship with yourself.
Whether you are single and focusing on loving yourself more, out in the dating world, or unsure what you want, this course will help you get clear on what you authentically desire and help you build the internal safety you need to experience it.
This course will shift your energy and help you feel a whole new way, allowing you to step into your most powerful single self.

Powerfully Single Is For You If:
- You feel anxious, scared, or insecure about being single
-If you want to be able to feel safe enjoying your singlehood and alone time
-If you're tired of wasting time and energy obsessively scrolling dating apps or bar hopping
-If you find yourself binging Netflix or porn every night instead of feeling safe to be present and truly LIVE!
-If you want your inner child and addictive behaviors to stop running the show
-If you want to stop showing up with graspy baby energy in your dating life
-If you want to stop avoiding dating and show up as your most powerful badass self
-If you're tired of ordering endless doordash alone at home
-If you're tired of prioritizing everyone else above yourself
-If you're tired of living in a messy place with a sink full of dishes constantly telling yourself you'll get to them eventually...
-If you're tired of engaging in self pleasure practices like masturbation from an energy of addiction and self soothing rather than deep sensual loving connection with yourself
It's time to unlock your most powerful and connected self
Powerfully Single Will Make You Feel:
-Able to genuinely enjoy time alone without the need to numb or distract away from yourself with addictive behaviors
-Able to flirt with life, enjoy life and feel a whole new level of gratitude towards this time alone

-Connected to your personal power
-Increased confidence and trust within yourself
-Safe to enjoy dating and not attach so heavily onto everything
-Allow this time being single to be transformative and fun!
-Able to take yourself out on dates
Take a Sneek Peak Inside Powerfully Single
Module One: The Disconnected Dater
Imagine going from scrolling obsessively on dating apps to realizing what a powerful badass you are. This is what we do!!
Module Two: A Sacred Sanctuary
Let’s move you out of feeling like a hot mess express to being your most powerful self and the flirty and hot dater you are.
Module Three: Your Single Habits
Learn to stop avoiding yourself and deeply connect home to yourself, so you feel safe to be the one to CHOOSE. It all starts with choosing you!!
Module Four: Becoming Your Own Best Date
It is time for you to stop not knowing how to be alone!! Your alone time is precious and this module will guide you to cherishing it.
Module Five: The Powerfully Single You
No more anxious graspy baby energy. Let’s guide you to being your most powerful single self where you'll feel like a whole new you.
Are you ready to make this investment into becoming your most powerful and connected self?
Powerfully Single includes 5 self-led modules, journal prompts, and homework in between sessions PLUS the 6 LIVE weekly calls and in between support to help you process, integrate, embody and expand <3
Join now before prices go up on January 2nd!
Special Pricing!
If you want to get Powerfully Single Live for $555, join the Beyond Your Wildest Dreams Membership!