Come Home To Yourself

Now Enrolling!

Attention ladies!


It is time. Time to become your most powerful, securely attached self...

Are you ready to heal that chronic anxiety, those sneaky attachment wounds and become securely attached?


Have you tried traditional talk therapy, couples therapy, medication and all the healing spiritual things under the sun and still feeling stuck, anxious and triggered all the time?

I see you trying to control, grasp on, seek external saving, manipulate and getting triggered left and right anytime you get into a relationship. 


I've been there and we all know it's no fun.

It's time to take our power back.

To process the deep pain we've spent most of our lives avoiding, numbing, distracting from...

To tend to the younger parts of ourselves that feel terrified and just want to be held...

To learn to relate differently to our partners, friends, family and most importantly ourselves.

But we can't do it alone.

As they say

"We were broken in relationship and we heal in relationship."

I used to think I was the most independent secure gal in the world and then every time I would get into a relationship I would feel batshit crazy.

Oh, you too?

Turns out this was just my inner child and anxiously attachment/ codependency running the show. 


Good news: it does not have to stay like this.

We can heal and change it.

You are invited into a magical vortex I've created for my fellow anxious attached women, Come Home to Yourself, a 4 month transformational journey of building secure attachment. This container consists of deep healing where you will enter anxiously attached and leave with a more secure connection to yourself and to others.

This work is painful and SO worthwhile. It is different than any other healing method out there because it truly gets to the ROOT. No more bandaid coping skills, no more perpetuating maladaptive cycles, no more living through your subconscious trauma responses and addictions (did you know codependency is in addiction in and of itself?!) 

It's time to truly heal the root so your whole energetic vibration SHIFTS. It allows you to get out of survival mode and into safety. When you feel safe in your body and stop living in your mind, you are FREE.  

This work completely rewires your nervous system so you free yourself of all the addictive behaviors, maladaptive ways of coping, unhelpful relationship patterns jumping from one to the next or demanding your current partner meet your needs that you are actually responsible for.

Can you imagine...

  • Not feeling anxious every time your partner goes and does something without you?
  • No longer worrying about their behavior?
  • Not feeling jealous or fear of abandonment?
  • Feeling safe in your own body and focusing on your own self while also having a beautiful conscious connected secure relationship if that's what you desire?
  • Being able to enjoy being single if that's where you're at without feeling the need to constantly distract but really enjoying being with yourself?
  • Releasing the behaviors and thought patterns keeping you stuck?
  • Understanding why you are the way you are and showing your body a NEW more expansive, abundant and joyful way to relate to the world?

Hi there!

I'm Rachel, 

If you are new to me or my work, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am a clinically trained therapist with my masters degree in clinical social work. I was in the traditional therapy field for 7 years until the universe redirected me to start my own online coaching business. 


Simultaneously, I began my own intensive trauma healing journey where I dove deep into my anxious attachment wound that was keeping me stuck.


Through doing this work with my own mentor, I realized how sneaky my attachment wound had been my whole existence.


I realized I was subconsciously trying to control and grasp on to any person I became attached to because my inner child had a deep fear of abandonment due to getting inconsistent emotional attunement during childhood (where anxious attachment begins.) 


I most recently came out of the deepest layer of anxious attachment healing where I developed a deep soul connection with an alcoholic. His addiction became mine. I thought "how is this happening even after ALL the healing work I've done?!" and yet people come into our lives for a reason. They are all part of our healing journey whether we realize it or not. And this most recent connection (and all I learned from it) was the catalyst for me creating and birthing this group. I knew there were others experiencing this suffering and pain too. I want to show you it's possible to heal it, to get to the other side and experience true freedom, embodiment and growth. Let me tell you, it is SO worth it and the best gift you can give to yourself and the world.


Let's face it...

If the entire world connected and related from a securely attached place, the world would look very different...


Since healing my own attachment wound, processing stored pain from childhood and rewiring my nervous system so I'm able to be securely attached, I have had the honor of guiding countless others to do the same. 

This group is for you if you desire to:

  • heal anxious attachment and feel so deeply secure and connected to yourself and others
  • fully step into your power
  • build internal safety in your body
  •  stop letting the past affect you feeling safe to just BE in the present moment
  • fully step into your authenticity and stop abandoning your own self for others
  • release control, people pleasing, the need to know and any other protectors and addictive behaviors that suck the joy out of your life
  •  build a conscious relationship with yourself and others
  • connect to yourself in a deeper way than ever before
  • rewire your nervous system and reparent your inner child
  • step into your expansion, abundance and get clear on the vision for your life

What you will get:


  • Weekly 2 hour zoom group calls
  • *Calls will be Mondays at 4:30pm PST starting Monday, April 7th* 
  • 2 individual 60 minute calls with me to use at any time throughout our time together
  • Slack support Tuesday-Friday
  • Group support and sense of community with others doing the same healing work
  • Daily habits and accountability to help you re wire your nervous system out of survival and into safety, connection and expansion
  • Psychoeducation on nervous system, attachment theory and reparenting your inner child
  • 12 trainings modules teaching you everything you need to know about healing anxious attachment in every area of your life and building secure attachment
  • As a free bonus, you will get access to my Beyond Your Wildest Dreams Membership community where you receive live trainings, a monthly connect call, a place to connect with others on the healing&expanding journey and a replay full of life changing trainings
  • Unconditional love and support and a safe nervous system (aka me!) to be with you every step of the way... 

I got you.


  • Module 1: Relational Trauma: The Root of Anxious Attachment 
  • Module 2: Internal Safety, The Nervous System and External Saving
  • Module 3: Anxious Attachment
  • Module 4: The Inner Child
  • Module 5: Triggers and Tribulations
  • Module 6: Protectors, Maladaptive Coping and Addictive Behaviors
  • Module 7: Attachment versus Authenticity 
  • Module 8: Powerfully Aligned
  • Module 9: Abundance and Attachment
  • Module 10: The Securely Attached Woman
  • Module 11:Creating Your Life Vision 
  • Module 12: Come Home to Yourself

Each module comes with videos, written content and journal prompts.

Payment Options:

So... what are you waiting for?


Your securely attached, authentic, powerful, abundant self awaits! Let's lay the foundation of creating safety in your body so you can truly create the life you want.


I can't wait to guide you home to yourself!




I'm ready to step into my power!